Lady Linda chartered by Sean Mckay, Ballycastle

The "Lady Linda" Ballycastle
Operating out of Ballycastle Marina, on the North Antrim Coast, The Lady Linda is a 26' vessel with a maximum capacity of eight anglers. She is fully equiped with GPS, VHF and sonar and has a DOT Code of Practice to operate up to twenty miles off-shore.
Owned and skippered by Sean McKay, Sean offers a wide variety of species to target and can be contacted on office number 02820769665 or mobile 07712167502.
Caters for individuals and club trips, tackle can be hired if required.
Speaking from personal experience, Sean McKay is one of the finest charter boat operators on the Antrim Coast. Having lived and fished from Ballycastle his entire life, his knowledge of tides, seasons, species and methods of catching them is un-surpassed. I have lost count of the spectacular and memorable angling trips Sean has provided both for me, as an individual, and my angling club over the years. My knowledge of deep-water angling began by watching and learning Sean's techniques over the years, which has been in-valuable in what-ever success I have had in targeting deep-water species on my own boat.
Just one of many Skate tagged and released aboard "The Lady Linda"
If you wish to experience an angling trip with the potential of catching that fish of a life-time, give Sean a call. He will give great advice and help steer you, or your club to a fabulous angling trip you wont forget.
Even Halibut are un-able to avoid Seans sixth sense when it comes to finding fish
Sean offers the possibility of targeting Common Skate, Spur dog regularly over specimen size, Blonde Ray, Cuckoo Ray, Spotted Ray, Turbot, Gurnards, Whiting, Bull huss, Conger, Ballan and Cuckoo Wrasse, Dogfish and Mackerel, with excellent Pollack fishing around the head-lands and Pollack and Ling from off-shore deep-water reefs, to name but a few. Drift fishing, deep-water anchoring and wreck fishing all available.
Double hook-up of Common Skate
Article on Ballycastle, click here