Rudd-Bream Hybrid
Rudd/Bream Hybrid
Record 7lb 10oz taken on 19.10.1996 by Brendan Doran at Monalty Lake.
Specimen 2.64lb, or 1.2 kilo
This hybrid when mature; is a lot smaller than an adult Bream, but stocky. It weighs quite heavy for its size when compared to other hybrids. The fins are dark, but the flanks take on a similar lustre of Rudd, in that they are a wonderful brassy-bronze colour. The anal fin has 15-21 branched rays and there are 46-50 scales along the lateral line.
Where to catch
As with the Roach Hybrids, waters containing Bream and Rudd will have their fair share of Hybrids. Rudd-Bream Hybrids were at one time quite common, but with the introduction of Roach into Ireland, many offspring are now the result of a third party hybridisation and the pure strains become diluted to some extent.
The well known venues still have their moments of glory when it comes to Rudd-Bream, but as with all venues, they fluctuate over the years as generations die out. With unusual temperatures during spawning, a cross-over of species occurs, and another batch of Hybrids are produced for a new generation of anglers!
The River Barrow has the capacity to produce our target species, in the upper reaches around Athy and above. Even to this day, after decades of reports, Monalty throws up the occasional “lump”, with a great chance of a new record. The “in” venue at the time of writing this report are the waters of the Lee Reservoir. My first visit there under the guide of local lads Sid Kennedy and Ross Macklin saw me bag over 700lb of Rudd-Bream in one night session, with over 100 fish over the magical specimen weight. These shoals have diminished since then through poaching, but there is still a real chance of 100-200lb bags of fish if you catch it right.
When to catch
These Hybrids are similar to their parents, appearing around April-May with the rise in temperature, and available throughout the summer season.
Most are taken on maggots, sweetcorn, worms or bread flake, or a cocktail of any of these.
As with Bream and the other Hybrid species, float fishing or ledgering will produce well, with quiver-tipping and swimfeeder tactics having the edge. If you are planning a longer session, light Carp tactics and bite alarms are very successful, especially in picking out the larger specimens.